Monday, June 2, 2008

X.25 Packet

X.25 packet is an international standard for reliable data communications through the use of a packet-data switching network. The X.25 standard specifies the protocol between the data device (such as a computer) and the network such as a public packet data network (PDN).

The X.25 system is a connection based packet switching system. X.25 packet data switches are initially programmed to create a logical path (virtual connection) from the entry point to the exit point before data transmission begins.

X.25 systems are used to ensure reliable data transmission as it uses advanced error protection and retransmission processes. To provide this reliable transmission of packets of data, each link in the packet data network receives, checks, requests retransmission if necessary, and forwards the data onto the next link.

The key components of a X.25 system are packet assembler and disassemblers (PAD) and packet nodes (packet switching points). The PAD divides or converts blocks of data (such as data files) to and from small packets of information. In the disassembly process, a PAD usually assigns sequential numbers to the packets as they are created to allow the reassembly PAD to identify the correct sequence of data packets to reproduce the original data signal. The ITU specification for a X.25 system PAD is X.3.

A packet node is a packet switch in an X.25 network. The packet node receives and forwards packets of data. The packet switch receives the packet of data, reads its address, searches in its database for its forwarding address, and sends the packet toward its next destination.

X.25 systems are public data network (PDN) or private data systems. The X.25 specification only defines the communication with the X.25 network. Communication within the X.25 network is often implementation specific (company proprietary). To interconnect X.25 systems together, the X.75 specification is used.

Because of the error checking and retransmission process used in the X.25 system, packet transmission time is generally longer than in newer packet switching systems such as frame relay. In a packet network, packet switches are networked together over a wide area (normally a country or continent). Packet switches are connected to each other via dedicated high-speed communication lines. Each switch is configured to have at least two leased circuits to at least two different switches. The local switch is in turn connected to local hosts via dedicated, leased lines and to multiple modems (modem banks) to allow local dial up access. The switches are constantly programmed with remote host addresses and the least cost routes to those devices.

Figure 1 shows a X.25 packet data system. This diagram shows bank teller machine in Rome is connected to a bank processing system in London. The X.25 system is setup so a virtual path is created through the X.25 network so data can reliably pass through each packet node to reach its previously established destination. This diagram shows that a virtual connection is made through a packet node in Paris. Each packet that is sent is validated over each link until it reaches its destination.

Figure 1: X.25 Packet Data System

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