Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Acceptance Test and Proof of Performance

A contract for transmitter equipment as defined in this document will also include provisions covering general product proof of conformance to the manufacturers detailed production specifications. Generally, these specifications are the same as included in product brochures or other information. These specifications will be compared to factory product test process and specification limits which may be more, but not less, restrictive.

Initial product shipments covered by this specification will require demonstrated performance in the presence of a representative of the buyer. As experience is gained and the process is shown to produce consistently acceptable results, this requirement may be waived by written notice on a case-by-case basis.

Required factory tests include, but are not limited to, low level tests on the Exciter(s), IPAs, Control Circuitry, and Interlocks. Final test data, including meter readings, dial settings, pads used, and appropriate waveform photos, shall be documented and provided in electronic and paper form for each transmitter tested. The documentation will include all appropriate serial numbers of sub-system components and the transmitter serial number. Name, phone number, and email address of key test personnel, one production supervisor, and one design engineer, knowledgeable of the test process, and results will be included in the test documentation. This documentation will be provided within five days of shipment of each transmitter.

The supplier must provide notification of test date at least 10 days prior to the date the final test process is conducted and test data recorded.

After all transmitter components and subsystems are assembled on site, final acceptance testing shall demonstrate fitness for use and provide data satisfactory for acceptance of the product and formal proof of performance documents bound in a form suitable for FCC License Application. Electronic versions of all documents, forms, and photographs will be required.

The supplier will provide one or more representatives qualified and authorized to represent its interest and participate in the on-site tests and data collection. This test process may be performed by a third party and is viewed as a collaborative effort. Only equipment surviving the on-site test process will be accepted and paid for. Equipment defined as a transmitterwill be detailed in each RFQ for each site and station. On-site tests will be conducted.

FCC Proof of Performance Measurements required by the FCC for an application for license. Measurements shall be made at the output of the DTV Mask or, if present, the output of the RF combiner. All tests and measurements of transmitter performance shall be conducted with transmitters operating at the power output levels required to meet the effective radiated power specified by the FCC construction permit or license. Power measurements shall be made with the transmitter(s) operating into the dummy load, with results documented as follows:
  • ATSC Upper sideband response
  • ATSC Lower sideband response
  • Envelope delay versus frequency demonstration compliance with Section 73.687(a)(3) and (4) of the FCC Rules and Regulations (47 CFR)
  • DTV transmitter frequencies using a frequency counter of adequate accuracy. Measurements shall be made at least three times with a minimum of eight hours between measurements. The frequency reading shall be compared with the reading obtained on the frequency and modulation monitor.
  • Spurious components from 0 Hz to 1.8 GHz (if any) apparent in the radiated output of the DTV transmitter. A spectrum analyzer shall be used to make these measurements. Any out-of-band radiation shall not exceed FCC maximum allowable values.
Photographs or other printed facsimile of the waveform shall be taken and shall be included in the proof of performance report.

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