Friday, February 4, 2011

SCOPE OF WORK | Specifying Equipment and Services

The scope of work will consist of three phases: planning and design, tower modification, and passive transmission system installation. Specific steps are shown below for each phase.

Phase I: Planning and Design

  • Physically examine and survey existing towers.
  • Document apparent characteristics, including vertical profile (e.g., is the tower plum?), straightness of legs, foundation, and guy anchor surfaces (e.g., are they level and on the same horizontal plane, and are the guy anchors equidistant around and from the foundation?), an orientation of the tower with respect to magnetic north and the nearest USGS survey or other physical benchmark with direct reference to USGS map. Verify Lat & Lon found in FCC and FAA records for the structure.
  • Provide a detailed inventory of all items (e.g., transmission line, antennas, lighting, wiring, and ice shields), and note their location on the tower.
  • Document the condition of the tower with respect to any observable surface characteristics (e.g., cracks, missing or peeling paint, bent members, loose bolts or fasteners, clamps, and separated welds that need repair or replacement).
  • Examine and provide a description of guy cables and foundation, including current guy tensions and ground conductors.
  • Probe the earth around the tower foundation and guy anchors to verify each anchor’s physical size and other obtainable attributes.
  • Provide a description of the size and material used in tower members.
  • Drill or file a small amount of material for lab analysis if appropriate.
  • Using any known documentation, including reports provided herewith, build a list of documented references and include in a computer model used for such purposes by the respondent in the ordinary course of business.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the tower showing current load and headroom compared to current EIA or other commonly used standards applicable to the wind load rating at the site(s) tower(s) structure(s).
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the tower with gin pole, cables, and other tools while lifting the heaviest load during Phase II and III outlined next. Analysis must show up, down, and any side loading from effects of tag line pull while lifting.
  • Provide an analysis that recognizes the weight of the winch platform and any anchors and assume conditions where the winch would lift itself and its anchors or deadweight off the ground. Would the tower be capable of withstanding such load? At what point and under what conditions would the tower collapse?
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the tower showing wind load after DTV and pooled communications antenna and transmission line components are added.
  • Provide a statement of work including material, labor, and any other considerations required to make modifications to the existing tower(s) prior to installation of the DTV and pooled communications antenna components to ensure the tower remains within the wind load ratings under an incremental load.
  • Provide a statement of work including material, labor, and any other considerations required to install and support test of the passive transmission system components supplied by a third party.

Phase II: Tower Modification

  • Apply for and obtain any necessary building permits prior to start of work.
  • Make repairs and modify the tower in preparation for installation of the passive transmission system components.

Phase III: Install Passive Transmission System Components

  • Coordinate and collaborate with passive transmission system supplier.
  • Move all necessary lifting and installation tools and equipment on site to unload passive transmission system components.
  • Build or otherwise supply wooden support trestles for the antenna.
  • Offload the antenna and other equipment from its delivery vehicle(s). Place the antenna on wooden trestles in accordance with the instructions and under supervision of a representative of the manufacturer. If the antenna is a panel antenna or is made up of multiple sub-assemblies, provide labor to assemble the antenna on the ground.
  • Install gas stop, horizontal transmission line, bottom elbow, vertical transmission line, all hangers and mounting brackets, tower-top elbow complex, and antenna.
  • Support test and evaluation efforts of the passive transmissionsupplier’s representative as outlined below.
  • Remove all tools and equipment from the tower structure.
  • Re-tension guy cables to design specifications.
  • Arrange to have a third party remove all rust and corrosion, and then apply one coat of primer and one or two coats of paint in accordance with FCC and FAA rules and other generally accepted commercial practices.
  • Remove all equipment, packing material, trash, and other material from site, repair or level any ground surface disturbance to the original or a similar condition.

Functional Description

The passive transmission system will receive one or more frequency and power-level specific RF input signals and cause the signal to be radiated—‘‘Broadcast.’’ The major components in the system include a gas stop, transmission line, tower top elbow complex, and antenna. The system should be gas tight. The manufacturer will propose a method whereby the system will be pressurized and monitored at a recommended pounds per square inch. If the pressure falls below recommended level, and electrical alarm will be generated at the monitoring unit’s output terminals.

Reliance On Services Provider

Reliance on the services provider for their expertise and best business practices as provided to other business, government or non-profit organizations performing public service broadcasting under FCC license. The service provider is expected to use highly skilled and knowledgeable people and standard commercial, off-the-shelf products and material for the services specified in this document.

Throughout the course of any and all action surrounding any RFQ, including procurement, supply, and/or installation of any component or part of the passive transmission system invoking this specification, the right to conduct due diligence on design practices and service processes prior, during, and after completion of the work in the RFQ is reserved. Requirements in this specification are not intended to cause the service provider to do anything outside of its normal business practice. If any requirement in this specification is deemed outside service provider’s normal business practice, then the service provider is expected to raise the situation and circumstances immediately upon recognition when and whereupon it can be understood and rationalized through mutual understanding and negotiation.

Coordination and Collaboration

During the course of executing any and all actions surrounding any RFQ invoking this specification, success will depend on the coordinated actions of more than one third party. The buyer is, and at all times will be, solely responsible for coordinating, scheduling, releasing, accepting, and/or approving actions as outlined in any contract resulting from any response to an RFQ where this specification is invoked. The process includes such major items as a notice to proceed with design work, site setup, site clearance, work acceptance, and so on. The buyer encourages communication and open exchange at all times with minimal necessary formality. Any concerns about the disclosure of proprietary or confidential information will be resolved with appropriate Non-Disclosure Agreement(s) between the parties.

Design References and Process

This document is a generic specification, and as such, it is applicable to each RFQ as referenced. Design work begins with the RFQ and carries through and survives into any resulting procurement action or contract. The objective is to do enough design work to allow pricing to be firm and fixed for the period stated in the RFQ. If any item cannot be so priced, then it is to be set aside and identified as subject to change upon completion of final design details, specified date of release, or other specific, detailed explanation of the condition.

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